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CSS Error

<![CDATA[ (function() { document.cookie = "cookieSettingVerified=true"; var cookieEnabled = document.cookie.indexOf("cookieSettingVerified=") != -1; document.cookie = "cookieSettingVerified=true; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT;"; if (!cookieEnabled) { var cookieMessage = document.createElement("div"); cookieMessage.innerHTML = "


{1} “.replace(“{0}”, “Technical Stuff”).replace(“{1}”, “To view this site, enable cookies in your browser.”); document.body.appendChild(cookieMessage); } }()); ]]>

<![CDATA[ (function() { var templateType = "home"; var showUnsupportedBrowserModal = false; if (templateType === "login") { return; } if (showUnsupportedBrowserModal) { var browserNotSupportedMessage = document.createElement("div"); browserNotSupportedMessage.id = "community-browser-not-support-message"; browserNotSupportedMessage.innerHTML = "



0; for (var c=0,length=auraCss.length;c<length;c++) { current = auraCss[c]; appCssLoadingCount++; if(auraConfig.applyCssVarPolyfill) { loadViaAjax(current, auraConfig.cssVariables); } else { current.addEventListener("load",onLoadStyleSheets); current.addEventListener("error",onLoadStyleSheetsError); current.href = current.getAttribute("data-href"); } } function rewriteCssVars(css, varLookup) { var VAR_BEGINNING = "var(–", VAR_PATTERN = /var(–[^-]+-(.*?))/g, startIndex = 0, output = [], result; function processInContext(css, start, delimiter) { while( start++ && start < css.length) { if(css[start] === delimiter) { return start; } } } function processParenthesesInContext(css, start) { var opens = 0; var closes = 0; while(start 1) { var val = declaration.substring(declaration.indexOf(“,”) + 1); var fallback = val.substring(0, val.length-1); // if the fallback is another variable, resolve the value recursively if (fallback.indexOf(“var(“) != -1) { return extractValue(fallback, lookup); } return fallback; } } function replaceBlobUrlSubresources(css) { var anchor = document.createElement(“a”); return css.replace(/b(urls*(s*[‘”]?)([^)”‘]+)([‘”]?))/g, function (match, left, url, right) { anchor.href = url; return left + anchor.href + right; }); } while ( (result = VAR_PATTERN.exec(css)) ) { output.push(css.substring(startIndex, result.index)); startIndex = result.index; var endIndex = startIndex + findVarEnd(css.substring(startIndex)); var declaration = css.substring(startIndex, endIndex); var value = extractValue(declaration, varLookup); if(value) { output.push(value); } else { output.push(declaration); } startIndex = endIndex; } if(startIndex === 0) { return replaceBlobUrlSubresources(css); } output.push(css.substring(startIndex)); return replaceBlobUrlSubresources(output.join(“”)); } function injectStyles(linkEl,css){ var cssEl; if(auraConfig.applyCssVarPolyfillViaBlob) { var blob=new Blob([css],{type:”text/css”}); cssEl=document.createElement(“link”); cssEl.addEventListener(“load”,onLoadStyleSheets); cssEl.addEventListener(“error”,onLoadStyleSheetsError); cssEl.setAttribute(“rel”,”stylesheet”); cssEl.setAttribute(“href”,URL.createObjectURL(blob)); linkEl.parentElement.insertBefore(cssEl,linkEl); }else{ cssEl=document.createElement(“style”); cssEl.textContent=css; linkEl.parentElement.insertBefore(cssEl,linkEl); onLoadStyleSheets(); } } function rewriteAndInjectCss(linkEl, source, varLookup) { var css = rewriteCssVars(source, varLookup); injectStyles(linkEl, css); } function loadViaAjax(linkEl, cssVariables) { var url = linkEl.getAttribute(“data-href”); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.addEventListener(“error”, onLoadStyleSheetsError); xhr.addEventListener(“load”, function (e) { if (this.status === 200) { rewriteAndInjectCss(linkEl, xhr.responseText, cssVariables); } else { onLoadStyleSheets(e); } }); xhr.open(“GET”, url); xhr.send(); } window.Aura.rewriteCssVars = rewriteCssVars; }()); ]]>
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